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IWE Mode Select

This is where you select the mode you want to work in.  The choices are Pencil, Line, Rectangle, Filled Rectangle, Circle, Filled Circle, Text, Color Fill, and Capture (Select Region).

Pencil - Position the cursor where you want to start drawing, hold down the left mouse button, drag cursor to where you want.  As the cursor is moved a line will be drawn.  To draw square by square click in the individual squares without dragging.

Line - Position the cursor where you want to start the line, holding down the left mouse button drag to where you want to end the line, release mouse button and the line will be drawn.

Rectangle - Position the cursor where you want to start the rectangle, holding down the left mouse button drag to where you want to end the rectangle, release mouse button and the line will be drawn.  Rectangles are hollow and filled rectangle are solid.

Circle - Position the cursor where you want to start the circle, holding down the left mouse button drag to where you want to end the circle, release mouse button and the line will be drawn.  Circles are hollow and filled circles are solid.

Text - Position the cursor where you want the text to go and click.  The text that is typed into the text box will be placed on the icon.

Color Fill - This can be used to fill hollow shapes, change the color of the solid shape, and so on.

Capture - This is used with copy and cut.  Simply position the cursor where you want to start the capture, holding down the left mouse button drag to where you want to end the capture, release mouse button and the area will be selected.