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Select Region

Select this option to select a specific region (area) of the currently displayed image.  First, simply select the type of region you want to create. After selecting the region type, the cursor turns in a crosshair icon.  Position the cursor where you want to begin the selection then holding down the left mouse button drag the cursor to where you want to end the selection and release the left mouse button once your region has been defined.

Below are the types of selections which can be made:

Rectangle (Shift+F5):  This lets you select a square or rectangular region in the current image.

Ellipse (Shift+F6): This lets you select a ellipse or circular region in the current image.

Rounded Rectangle (Shift+F7): This is the same as rectangle except the corners are rounded instead of pointed.

Free Hand (Shift+F8): This lets you select an irregular region in your image.  For example while holding down the left mouse button you can draw a star shape then release the left mouse button and the selected region will be shaped like a star.

Cancel Selection (Shift+F9): This cancels the currently selected region (unselects the currently selected region in the displayed image).